‘Shadow…’ provokes US web ire…

October 1, 2012

‘Shadow of the Rock’ has upset the sensibility of the American website ‘Compass Book Ratings’. Formerly known as ‘Squeaky Clean Reads’, the site rates books in terms of suitability for different age groups, and has deemed ‘Shadow…’  for over- 21s only. The reviewer has painstakingly unearthed ‘9 religious exclamations; 6 mild obscenities; 3 religious profanities; 2 derogatory names; 7 scatological words; […]

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Cover for ‘Sign of the Cross’…

September 28, 2012

An email today from Bloomsbury with a possible cover for ‘Sign of the Cross’. It may yet change, so I ought not to post it here… but it’s the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time. More to follow…

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Woodstock Literary Festival…

September 19, 2012

First ever literary festival last Sunday. Pre-match nerves quickly superseded by physical illness, the dreaded Norovirus having swept through our house 24 hours before, creating scenes reminiscent of ‘The Horseman on the Roof’. Anyway, made it there (just) and the brilliant co-speaker, James Runcie, along with the super-cool chair, Ross King, combined to make it as […]

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‘Absolutely’ interview…

September 13, 2012

See the author of a crime novel reveal he is still afraid of marauders hiding in the cupboard at night… http://issuu.com/ZestMediaLondon/docs/abs_chelsea_sep_2012/33  

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Stranger than fiction…

September 12, 2012

Could the plotline of ‘Shadow of the Rock’ be coming true? This reads like a story that could have come out of the Dunetech Investor Roadshow… http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/morocco-sees-12-power-sun-141737301.html  

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‘Crime Always Pays’ interview…

September 9, 2012

Did a Q&A yesterday for Declan Burke’s excellent website, ‘Crime Always Pays’.  The site mainly covers Irish crime fiction, but given that my wife is from Belfast, and I am an eighth Irish, making our son technically 9/16ths Irish… OK, they threw open their doors to a Londoner, so I feel very lucky — http://crimealwayspays.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/ya-wanna-do-it-here-or-down-station.html  

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Woodstock firming up…

September 4, 2012

Plans becoming clearer for THE literary event for lovers of books with ‘Shadow’ in the title. The brilliant James Runcie, and myself, to take the stage at 2pm on Sunday 16th September in the low-key surroundings of Blenheim Palace. Tickets on sale now… http://blenheimpalaceliteraryfestival.com/events/detail/detective-heroes-sydney-chambers-and-spike-sanguinetti  

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‘Sign of the Cross’ handed in…

September 3, 2012

Finally hit ‘send’ today on the  the sequel to ‘Shadow of the Rock’. The copy editor’s red pen awaits. Just hope my Maltese history is up to scratch…

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Corfu book launch…

August 25, 2012

On 22nd August, ‘Shadow of the Rock’ received its (semi-)official Greek launch on the island of Corfu at the beautiful Kaniaro House. Guests foregathered on the terrace as the sun set over the Straits… of Corfu. Entertainment comprised an introduction to the novel, then a brief reading. Albania twinkled in the distance. Ice cubes chinked in […]

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Times review…

August 12, 2012

Thrilled to see ‘Shadow of the Rock’ reviewed in The Times yesterday. ‘Evocative, engrossing and entertaining’, apparently! http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/arts/books/fiction/article3501947.ece

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